ELSAfloor Development of an application-ready test method for quantifying and classifying the electrostatic charge of floor coverings
Testing the electrostatic properties of floor coverings is currently executed by human walk-on methods. Depending on the floor covering to be tested, the sole materials used, the substrate and the way in which it is walked on vary. However, the limit value of 2 kV for personal exposure applies to all test methods. Due to the non-uniform and person-dependent parameters, the test results vary greatly according to the current methods and are therefore only of limited significance. Building on the findings from the project "Development of an equivalent charging method for the uniform, rapid and person-independent assessment of the electrostatic charging of floor coverings with durable reference materials-E-Statwalk", the aim is to develop an application-ready test method for quantifying and classifying the electrostatic charging of floor coverings using a mobile measuring device.

Project partners and/or other research institutes
Research institution 2: Institute for Wood Technology Dresden non-profit GmbH
The INNO-KOM project “Development of standardized scuffing materials and a reference material as well as adapted test methods for the micro-scratch resistance of coatings (µ-scratching)” 49MF210012) is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the INNO-KOM innovation competence program.