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Sustainability and Circular Economy

Limited resources and climate change increasingly require a circular economy in which products, materials and individual components are used and recycled several times. In the development of innovative production technologies and concepts for recycling-friendly product designs, as well as in the use of new materials, the impact on the environment and economic efficiency are decisive for the efficient use of resources. Therefore, we integrate ecological (LCA) and economic (LCC) assessments into the research and development process. This enables us to identify optimisation potential already during the project implementation phase. Supplemented by information on functional and technical product quality, LCA and LCC provide relevant information on sustainability and are the basis for a digital product passport.

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Building products such as floor coverings and substances used for their production must be non-hazardous. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) must not escape into the air we breathe and cause short- or long-term damage to health. TFI guarantees this for the manufacturer by research and development of safe products. To this end, we use state-of-the-art laboratory and pilot plant facilities as well as measurement and analysis technology. This includes, for example, gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry.

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Products for interior design must be safe and harmless. We therefore research the electrical properties of those products, for example the conductivity of a floor covering. Another focus of research is fire behaviour, i.e. how flammable and combustible a material is. The results of this research are products whose safety characteristics can be confirmed by reproducible and practical test methods.

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E3D – RWTH Aachen

Health and performance are maintained if acoustic and thermal wellbeing is guaranteed. In order to develop application-oriented system solutions for these two areas of wellbeing, TFI is researching, for example, the acoustic activation of floor systems as well as hybrid heating systems. An essential aspect here is the question of whether a system is also suitable for retrofitting in the course of acoustic and thermal building renovation.

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Building products such as floorings must be appealing and functional in order to compete. By now, circular economy and sustainability require more and more recyclable products. Therefore, we use innovative materials and semi-finished products and develop advanced manufacturing processes. This creates visually appealing, functional and recyclable designs for your product.

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Dipl.-Ing. Sophia Gelderblom

Research Manager

Phone: +49 241 9679-144


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