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ALPA started

Recyclable textile flooring made from PA 12:
We are investigating the potential of polyamide 12 (PA 12) as a raw material for the development of textile floor coverings. Thanks to its low moisture absorption, PA 12 achieves high dimensional stability and stain resistance, thus creating the conditions for extending the lifespan of floor coverings. One focus of the project is the transfer and adaptation of established manufacturing processes, such as thermobonding and dyeing, to the specific properties of PA 12. In particular, a new testing method is being developed to evaluate the dimensional stability of the novel raw material under practice-oriented conditions. The result is a recyclable textile floor covering with a surface layer made of PA 12.

Resource T-EXDIZ successfully completed

The use of AI and machine learning methods in product development has a positive impact on the use of personnel, time and materials. Together with our colleagues at the DITF, we were able to demonstrate this in the project. Even with a small database, it was possible to draw conclusions about product properties, make predictions about material selection and reveal previously unknown dependencies using ML tools.

EU Construction Products Regulation has been adopted

The European Construction Products Regulation (EU CPR), which harmonises EU rules on the marketing of construction products and facilitates their free movement in the internal market, was adopted by the Council on 05.11.2024. This is the final step in the decision-making process. Following this approval by the Council, the legal act is adopted. The new EU CPR updates the legislation in force since 2011.

Biobased Artificial Turf developed

Together with its research partners MET and ITA, the TFI has achieved the goals of developing a bio-based, infill-free artificial turf pitch. The concept involved reducing the variety of materials to enable material recycling in the future and completely replacing the plastic infill with a second, texturised yarn. The artificial turf consists of over 95% bio-polyethylene, which is produced from agricultural waste.

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