Acoustic yarns - Analysis of influencing factors for the development of acoustically effective yarns of textile structures
The aim of the research project is to use a systematic analysis of the influencing factors to enable the development of new types of combination yarns with an acoustically effective structure that is both effective and efficient. This will significantly expand the potential of acoustically effective textiles.
Half of all workplaces in Germany are office workplaces. The reduction of noise in indoor spaces is of great importance for comfort, work performance and health. All larger surfaces in the room (e.g. ceilings, walls, floors, cabinet fronts or backs) influence the acoustic properties of the entire room through their material and construction. In many cases, textiles or textile components in the form of floor coverings, curtains, coverings of acoustic elements or wall coverings contribute to achieving the acoustic specifications of the technical rules for workplaces, particularly in multi-occupancy or open-plan offices. Systematic analysis is required for the targeted development of yarns and textile surfaces regarding a required degree of sound absorption, for addressing specific frequency ranges and for efficient utilization of the materials. For this purpose, it is also necessary to develop a test method for the acoustic properties of yarn structures.
Following the definition of a requirements profile, the selection of applications and the yarn materials to be used, the innovative test method for determining the acoustic effectiveness of yarn structures is developed. Different yarn constructions are developed and tested according to the new test method. Exemplary textile surfaces are produced from the developed combination yarns and subjected to acoustic testing. The results are incorporated into a mathematical model. There is a constant iterative improvement process between the development of the test method, the yarn and surface construction and the model. The results are incorporated into the production of defined demonstrators to validate the findings and to derive recommendations for the parameterization of the design of acoustically effective yarns and surfaces.
Project partners and/or other research institutes
Project-related committee:
- ALKEGEN Insulation-Sealing-Construction ISC
- AQUAFIL Deutschland GmbH
- Gebrüder Aurich GmbH
- Gerriets GmbH
- Hamelner Teppichwerke GmbH & Co. KG
- Horbach Sachverständigenbüro
- Kinnasand GmbH
- Object Carpet GmbH
- Pongs Group GmbH & Co. KG
- Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
- Trevira GmbH
- Tuchfabrik Willy Schmitz GmbH & Co. KG
- Wirth Fulda GmbH
- Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH
- IVGT – Industrieverband e.V.
- Verband der Deutschen Heimtextilien e.V. – Heimtex
- IHTA – Institut für Hörtechnik und Akustik