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Changing temperature influences, sunlight and moisture are examples of environmental influences that can cause dimensional changes in floor coverings.
Defined tolerances are important to avoid gaps between tiles and planks due to shrinkage or the raising of edges due to expansion.

Suitable product types

  • Textile floor coverings
  • Resilient floor coverings
  • Modular mechanical locked floor coverings (MMF)

Testing Properties

  • EN 986: Dimensional changes due to the effects of varied water and heat conditions and distortion out of plane of tiles
  • ISO 2551: Dimensional changes due to the effects of varied water and heat conditions and distortion out of plane
  • EN ISO 23999: Dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat


Dipl.-Ing. Cornelia Schiffer

Functional and qualitative properties

Phone: +49 241 9679-00



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