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µ-scratching - Development of standardized abrasive materials and a reference material as well as adapted test methods for micro-scratch resistance of coatings

The goal of the research project was to develop new types of standardized abrasive materials, and an objective test method based on the Martindale method for determining the micro-scratch resistance of surfaces. In detail, the following research priorities and sub-goals were pursued:

  1. Development of novel abrasive materials with defined material properties that are used as standardized normative test equipment.
  2. Development of a high-gloss material with defined physical properties for use as a reference material in test equipment development and as a future standard for test equipment calibration.
  3. Development of evaluation algorithms based on digital image acquisition methods and adaptation of classification criteria for image evaluation.
  4. Further development of the test method for determining micro-scratch resistance using the new abrasive materials, the new reference and digital image evaluation.

Micro-scratch resistance is an important quality criterion for floor and furniture surfaces and is therefore the subject of several test standards (DIN EN 16094, DIN EN 438-2, DIN EN 16611). The Martindale device is used to determine micro-scratch resistance, in which the surface to be tested is subjected to an abrasive material at a specified pressure and frequency for a specified number of cycles.

A critical aspect of the test method is that there are no standardized abrasive materials. However, adjustments in the manufacturing process of commercially available abrasive nonwovens that are suitable in principle can be accompanied by changes in the properties of the abrasive material and lead to non-reproducible test results and resulting incorrect evaluations. There are similar difficulties with reference materials or surfaces, which are used to test the process and for batch control of the abrasive material. Due to changing trends and other material adaptations, constant availability of one and the same material is also not guaranteed here, which severely restricts the ability to reliably test the abrasive materials.

Products based on tufting technology, which is used in practice to produce textile floor coverings, were developed as a new abrasion material. They achieve comparable results to the previous test equipment when testing micro-scratch resistance but are characterized by improved product uniformity and a lower mean variation of results.
Two new products have been developed and made available as a new reference material for calibrating the test equipment, i.e. the abrasive materials used in the test. Both products can replace the previous reference, which is no longer available. When performing the calibration, the same scratch pattern classes, and the same gloss level change are achieved. One of the new products is also immediately available to the user.

To validate the test method, in particular to assess the new materials, a round robin test was successfully carried out with industry partners. Proof of suitability was provided for the reference high-gloss surface and a new abrasive material.

Conventional (left) and novel abrasive materials (right) and testing sample (middle) after the scratching test

Funding program and project number

INNO-KOM 49MF210013


01.05.2021 – 31.10.2023



Dr. Ansgar Paschen

Phone: +49 241 9679-156



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