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alNop - Process for alternative pile fixation of tufted fabrics as a contribution for a recyclable textile floor covering

Tufted textile floor coverings require a finishing step to fix the piles in the tufted backing before use. A chalk-filled SBR latex is usually used for this purpose. This hinders to separate the top and backing layer after the use for a mono-material recycling. The goal of this research project was therefore to develop an alternative process for the mechanical fixation of the piles in order to dispense with the latex layer component.

The approach for the pile fixation investigated here was the defined shrinkage of the primary backing after the production of the greige goods. For this purpose, woven primary backings were developed from industrially produced yarns and fibres with high shrinkage potential, tufted and then subjected to a hot treatment, so a defined shrinkage was triggered. The main focus of the investigation was the influence of the yarn materials, the construction of the primary backings, the tufted yarns as well as the tufting construction on the pile fixation. Furthermore, different methods for the shrinkage trigger were evaluated with regard to the construction of the primary backing. The result of the research project is an evaluated demonstrator as well as a design guideline for the production of textile floor coverings with an alternative pile fixation.

SMEs from the segment of yarn and backing producers can develop new products on the basis of the research results. Manufacturers of textile floor coverings gain competitive advantages in Europe by improving the recyclability of their products. Furthermore the construction of recycling-friendly tufting structures creates novel potentials in regard to new technical applications, e.g. in the field of filter media, geotextiles and insulation materials.

Eingebundene Polnoppe ungeschrumpft
Eingebundene Polnoppe geschrumpft


In summary, based on the research results, it can be concluded that mechanical fixation of piles can be achieved by using a shrinkable tufting primary backing. The this effect could be significantly increased by additional needlepunching of a nonwoven secondary backing. Based on the results of the project, the industry can develop a completely new adhesive- and latex-free floor covering. The evaluation of the economic efficiency shows that the production costs for the AlNop floor covering are lower than for a conventional floor covering with latex coating. The novel flooring has advantages for the recycling process by omitting the glue.

Funding program and project number

IGF 21336 N

The final report is available in the TFI publication series 2023/123.


01.09.2020 – 31.08.2022



Dr. Ansgar Paschen

Phone: +49 241 9679-156



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